Thursday, March 26, 2015

Edward Hopper
I am going to talk about to paintings by Edward Hopper. The gas pump one is interesting to me for many reasons but to start it’s my favorite one by far. I love that you can see the texture so perfectly on everything but at the same time it looks like I’m looking at it without my glasses on. I also enjoy that you can clearly tell where the light is and the shadows are long so you know the sun is either rising or setting. Gas pumps like that I have not seen in a long time and the only place I did see them is gone now, but I always thought that they used to be so much cooler than they are now. The other painting I like is the one of the rail car. There is a old rail car like that by my house in Colorado where me and my friends would go and hangout, do bad things the works. But its also where some of my senior pictures were taken.  I like seeing that because I don’t live out there anymore so I don’t see it now and remembering all the fun I had there with all my friends  is really nice. I don’t normally like remembering my friends in Colorado but when I see that train car its only good things we were to young for it be bad.

1 comment:

  1. A great, curiosity-invoking line: "hangout, do bad things the works."
