Tuesday, March 31, 2015

My Music
When I listen to music it can make me feel happy or sad, it can pump me up or bring me down. I have different playlists for my different moods and I have four different playlist’s. The first one is titled Again and it changes more than the others because it is made up of the song I used to love but got tired of or forgot about this helps me listen to more than just one genre of music. Right now my favorite song is called no angel or demon by WitchCraft why? Well because the guitar sounds like old Clapton, the bass is really heavy and the lyrics are demonic. I like a lot of songs by that band but the newer stuff is trash for the most part.  My taste in music has gone all over the place from hard scremo to classical piano, from rap to classic rock. I don’t know why I like the music I like but i know my friends have all influenced me to try different types of music and my dad taught me to play the bass and I always wanted to play the hardest song not in difficulty though but sound at the same time I love reggae and slow smooth sounds. Since high school started I’ve really started to branch out in what I listen to and I realized all friends listen to very different music but we all enjoy each other styles just not as much as our own.  Without music the world be very different I can’t imagine what it would be like and I hope I never find out. Without music my life would be quite and slow and boring. I admire the music of Pink Floyd for many reasons but mostly because its real. The event I connect with music happened sophomore year at Manny’s house we had a dance off on new years and we all did it, it was the funniest thing ever I will never forget watching my friends try to dance even though none of us knew what we were doing. In my opinion I don’t consider rap music, I would consider it poetry or just a form of art but not music and dubstep/ techno I just think its stupid. I would say music can do whatever you want it to heal, destroy anything its up to the listener. Music can set the stage for movies television and other things by having a suspenseful or relaxing or fast paced  soundtrack. Music can be poetry I think the song hallelujah by Jeff Buckley is a good example of a poetic song. Something music does for me that nothing else can do is bring me back to certain moments in my life in the snap of a finger like one of my favorite songs is the acoustic version of 45 by Shinedown and it brings me back to my first real kiss and make me think of everything that happened that night. Are you kidding me yes I would love to be a professional musician doesn’t everyone want to do that at some point in their life? I would play the bass Jacob would be lead guitar we would do back up vocals to some badass singer and we would have some crazy drummer that never says anything besides 1..2..3..

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Edward Hopper
I am going to talk about to paintings by Edward Hopper. The gas pump one is interesting to me for many reasons but to start it’s my favorite one by far. I love that you can see the texture so perfectly on everything but at the same time it looks like I’m looking at it without my glasses on. I also enjoy that you can clearly tell where the light is and the shadows are long so you know the sun is either rising or setting. Gas pumps like that I have not seen in a long time and the only place I did see them is gone now, but I always thought that they used to be so much cooler than they are now. The other painting I like is the one of the rail car. There is a old rail car like that by my house in Colorado where me and my friends would go and hangout, do bad things the works. But its also where some of my senior pictures were taken.  I like seeing that because I don’t live out there anymore so I don’t see it now and remembering all the fun I had there with all my friends  is really nice. I don’t normally like remembering my friends in Colorado but when I see that train car its only good things we were to young for it be bad.
This is a small tea set made by a modern artist named Po Ching Fang he is a ceramics artist from Taiwan. It was hand built with porcelain and stoneware. It does not really remind me of anything besides that I did an artist study on him in my first ceramics class. It is something else. It is relaxing and comforting. His father in law is a tea farmer in Taiwan and he checks that all his utensils—the pot, the waste drains in the trays—work correctly. Po went to college in the Ozarks and now he is a ceramics teacher at a college in Taiwan. He has made a lot of very different tea sets, some with jugs and some with tea pots, some have square cups and some are round. He has a kind of base or holder for them and sometimes that means that the cups are hanging on the wall.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

 Movie Stuff

I like a very large amount of movies, but I really like movie that make you think like Inception, Looper, Donnie Darko or Mr. Nobody. My second favorite kind of movies would have to be horror films for many reasons but the biggest reason is because everyone in my family enjoys them too so it’s something we do together but that’s the same with a lot of comedies. I really enjoy the Marvel movies but I hate going to see them with my family because they know that I know a lot about comic book hero’s and villains’ so they ask a ton of questions and me being the way I am about comics I feel like I have to tell them the entire story because there is just so much about them (the hero’s and villain’s) that the movies don’t tell but kind of hide. My dad and brothers really like documentaries and I like very few of them like hardly any just the ones about skateboarders or skateboarding oh and the ones about aliens because they are real. Chick flicks I never like at first but sometimes I’ll watch them later and I will really like them but that rarely happens. I watch a movie that I have not seen yet just about everyday weather that’s on TV in the living room or on Netflix in my room. I don’t normally watch movies with anyone because I’m usually the only person home but my mom brings home 4 or 5 redbox movies a week and sometimes we will sit and watch them but she has a weird taste in movies in my opinion. When I’m watching a movie I need to be warm and have a drink I can go without food but I would rather not if I can have a blanket I would like to also but it’s not a necessity  it’s also really nice when you can turn the lights off. If my life story was made into a movie I would be played be Adrian Brody because people have always said I resemble him which I am okay with he’s a good actor. But I think it would be a very odd movie so far the main plot points would be things that have happened in high school the only thing from freshman year that could be a plot point would have to be the one girlfriend I had back then or what me and all my friends had just started doing every day. Sophomore year it would be me trying to find Jacob he had disappeared for about 1 quarter of school without telling anyone anything which isn’t like him at all or it could be when one of oldest friends killed himself at the end of the year. Junior year it would be all about a girl and trying to keep my friends because I had changed so much. Senior year it could possibly be about a girl or it could be about me starting to change into an adult I cannot tell what a bigger part of this year is because well it’s not over yet.