famous line story.
The moment one
learns English complications set in. My friend said that to me just a couple days
ago I didn’t know exactly what he meant by it but It made me think, that maybe he thinks we would be better off
never talking or maybe he means that English is a bad language, too hard to
speak or something. I’ve heard English is
one of the hardest languages to learn and teach. Which could be the reason my
friend said that about the English language, he hasn’t known English his entire
life it’s his second language. He still messes up sometimes trying to talk its
worse in front of people he doesn’t know too well. Sometimes he starts talking
in Spanish and he doesn’t even realize for a couple minutes until he looks at someone’s
face and they look clueless. We try and teach him better but slang and the fact
that everyone uses some sort of it makes it hard. Sometimes I will start to
talk to him and he will just ignore it or just doesn’t know that I’m talking to
him. I still have yet to figure out what exactly the complications are in this
case besides what I already think it is. He calls himself names sometimes like
a flop or a weirdo. Columbus too thought
he was a flop, probably, when they sent him back in chains which didn’t prove
there was no America.
I like what you did with this!